Bella Eyes
Bella Eyes Surgery
What is Bella Eyes®?
Bella Eyes® is one of the very innovative surgical methods that combines the endoscopic dynamic canthopexy technique with lateral brow lift. Dr. Ufuk Askeroğlu – a famous and well-known plastic surgeon of Turkey – devised this unique, patented technique known as Bella Eyes®. ISAPS and PubMed-two leading medical periodicals-have been informed about the presentation of the mentioned technique in their paper.
Bella Eyes Surgery Outcome
The Bella Eyes® procedure reshapes the eyes and eyebrows for a fresher, more striking aspect. The surgical work involves the use of advanced endoscopic technology in lifting the outer corner of the eye, together with the lateral brow, to result in a more open and alert look. Access is made by performing two small incisions in the hairline, allowing the surgeon to access the deeper tissues and muscles with an endoscope.
Bella Eyes® Surgical Process
In a Bella Eyes® surgery, the lateral canthus is transposed and fixed with special sutures. This assumes a mild elevation that graciously amplifies the shape and contour of the eye. The lateral brow is also elevated and fixed in place in a similar fashion to give a more refreshed, youthful appearance.
Fast Recovery with Bella Eyes®
Recovery from a Bella Eyes® is relatively fast. Most patients are able to return to work and normal activities within one or two weeks following the surgery. Most of the swelling and bruising, however, may remain for weeks following the procedure.
Scarless Method: Bella Eyes® Incisions and Recovery
The incisions to be made in the Bella Eyes® procedure are minimal and their strategic placement within a hairline area is such that little or no apparent scarring from the procedure will be evident after the healing period has taken place.
Bella Eyes Final Result:
A more youthful, attractive eye will be the eventual result of a Bella Eyes® procedure. They generally report that the shape and contour of their eyes have taken on an appearance of subtly but definably higher, brighter, with an overall aspect of openness. The results of the procedure can often be remarkably durable, offering superior global facial harmony and balance for the patient. The Bella Eyes® procedure can thus be highlighted among the newest surgical techniques available in attempts at getting not only a fresher-looking eye area but indeed a more attractive one as well. First performed, the combining in harmony of a combination of endoscopic dynamic canthopexy with the lateral brow-lifting procedure can serve as one safe and useful tool in enhancement without destruction or significant disfigurement.
Is a local or general anesthetic used during Bella Eyes surgery?
Bella Eyes is an endoscopic surgery done under general anesthesia that produces more long-lasting results in contrast to the more thread lift method.
How long does a Bella Eyes® procedure take?
The procedure takes around an hour and a half.
How long should I stay in Istanbul after the procedure to ensure that I receive enough post-operative care?
It should only take 4-5 days, and following the examination on the fifth day, you’ll be free to return home. There are a few microscopic bioabsorbable sutures on your scalp, so it’s important to get rid of them to avoid scarring. You can easily get rid of them at home, so there’s no need to wait until you get to Istanbul. However, you might need to stay here for up to 8 days if you want us to take them out.
How soon may I return to work following my Bella Eyes® procedure?
Our patients frequently require 7 to 10 days of recovery time before returning to work. Oedemas and swelling, however, won’t go gone for a month. Additionally, bear in mind that two to three months after any cosmetic treatment, the results will be at their best.
Are there any dangers or issues related to Bella Eyes® surgery?
Only a few surgeons do Bella Eyes® surgery using the endoscopic method internationally. As a result, the procedure has demonstrated to be risk- and complication-free when carried out by an experienced surgeon in the field. The doctor’s background is quite important.