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SOS® surgery

What is SOS® surgery?

SOS® surgery AKA Supraorbital Bone Shaving , also known as forehead contouring or forehead reduction surgery, is a surgical procedure that aims to reshape and reduce the prominence of the supraorbital ridge. It is typically performed for individuals who have a prominent or protruding supraorbital ridge, often due to a genetically inherited feature.

SOS® surgery Explained:

During the SOS® surgery, the surgeon makes two small incisions along the hairline. The underlying supraorbital bone is then carefully reshaped or shaved using an ultrasonic device called Piezo device to achieve a more desired contour. The amount of bone removed or reshaped depends on the individual’s goals and the surgeon’s assessment.

After the bone contouring is complete, the incisions are closed with sutures. In some cases, the surgeon may also perform additional procedures such as Bella Eyes®, Trinity Lift® , Endoscopic Medial Brow Lift or hairline lowering (forehead reduction/shortening) to achieve optimal results and balance the overall facial aesthetics.

Anesthesia & Length of SOS® surgery:

SOS® surgery (Supraorbital Bone Shaving )is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort and safety throughout the procedure. The duration of the surgery may vary depending on the complexity of the case, but it generally takes 1-2 hours to complete.

Combining SOS® surgery with Bella Eyes® or Trinity Lift® :

SOS® surgery is done endoscopically using the same incisions for Bella Eyes® & Trinity Lift® surgeries, that is why in most of the patients who will undergo one or both aforementioned surgeries are advised to undergo SOS® surgery as well since the prominent supraorbital ridge will sometimes act as a hurdle during these surgeries. Since the recovery time will not change, combining these surgeries will definitely provide a more satisfactory result both for the patient and the surgeon. These methods will provide a natural-looking result without leaving any visible scar on the face since incisions are placed in the hairline.


Who is a suitable candidate for SOS?

Suitable candidates for SOS are individuals who have a prominent or protruding forehead, often due to genetic factors or certain medical conditions. A consultation with a qualified surgeon is necessary to determine if SOS is appropriate for an individual.

What is the recovery process like after SOS?

The recovery process after SOS can vary depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are common in the first few days after surgery. It is important to follow the surgeon’s post-operative instructions, including any medication, dressing changes, and activity restrictions.

How long does the SOS procedure take?

The duration of the SOS procedure can vary depending on the complexity of the case, but it generally takes a few hours to complete.

Will there be visible scarring after SOS?

The incisions made during SOS are typically placed along the hairline or within the scalp, aiming to minimize visible scarring. The surgeon will provide instructions on scar care to help minimize their appearance.

When will the results of SOS be noticeable?

The results of SOS will become more noticeable as the initial swelling subsides, usually within a few weeks. However, it may take several months for the final results to fully manifest as the tissues heal and settle.

How long do the results of SOS last?

The results of SOS are generally long-lasting. However, the natural aging process and lifestyle factors can still affect the appearance of the forehead over time. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow proper skincare practices to help prolong the results.


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